Table of contents
I’m working on an application for listeners and producers of Value4Value podcasts to be able to easily make derivative content for the podcast.
An example of derivative content would be a podcast that has special “supercut” episodes contributed by Value4Value producers.
I thought it’d be great if there were a product that satisfies the following:
- I can find any episode of a podcast that is in the Podcast Index and listen to it in a basic web player in my browser.
- At any time, I can publish a short clip (soundbite) of the audio while I’m listening, and save it.
- I can optionally include metadata with my published soundbite, such as a note, or tag/category.
- I can optionally include my Mastodon account link with my created soundbite.
- I can view all soundbites globally, all soundbites faceted by podcast, and all soundbites faceted by podcast + episode.
- While I am listening to an episode, I can view other soundbites for the same episode in the same screen.
- I can share a link to my soundbite.
- Producing those special, derivative episodes takes a lot of time, searching, and listening to episodes. I want to make something that could make this process easier, and also provide the soundbite data globally, agnostic of the application you use for listening to podcasts, and provide value back to the world of Value4Value and open podcasting.
Private, for now.
Stack / Technology
- React, Typescript, and Next.js
- (Probably) Nest.js, Supabase, and PostgreSQL.